I have always been a reader. I've had my nose firmly planted in a book since I started reading. One of my very favorite things to read are retellings. What are retellings, you ask? According to the Oxford Dictionary: re·tell ( verb ) gerund or present participle: retelling tell (a story) again or differently. My definition is a little more involved than that. To me a retelling is a sub-genre that takes an existing story and turns it into something new. There are about a million versions of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale out there, but a retelling would be taking that story frame and setting it in modern day or turning it into a sci-fi space adventure where Beauty is an astronaut and the Beast is an alien. However, retellings can also be prequels or sequels that are not written by the original author; that take the original story and look at it from a different angle. In our Beauty and the Beast example, perhaps we could get the prequel story of the enchantress. I feel like th...